A Comparative Study Lampung Script Characters Recogniton Based Edge Detection Method Of Roberts and Sobel

  • Halim Abdillah Sholeh Lampung University
  • Yessi Mulyani University of Lampung
  • Hery Dian Saptama University of Lampung
Keywords: ANN Backpropagation, Edge Detection, Error Value, Image Processing, Lampung Character, Roberts, Sobel


The culture of Lampung script is now rarely used and will get extinct. In order to preserve the culture, this digital research about Lampung script with image processing method and pattern recognition is conducted. This research is divided into two stages, training and testing. Training stage conducted image processing and training the artificial neural network (ANN) backpropagation. One past of image processing is edge detection. The edge detection method is used to analyze the Lampung script character to find the line pattern of the letters. The image processing methods used in image edge detection are Roberts edge detection method and Sobel edge detection method. The result of image processing will get into testing stage. Sobel method has better performance on recognizing. Lampung script character, in which the result from testing Lampung script character gives 28.5 % of error for Roberts detection method and 14.5 % of error for Sobel detection method.


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How to Cite
Sholeh, H., Mulyani, Y., & Saptama, H. (2018). A Comparative Study Lampung Script Characters Recogniton Based Edge Detection Method Of Roberts and Sobel. Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan, 6(03), 261-272. Retrieved from https://jurnal.balitbangda.lampungprov.go.id/index.php/jip/article/view/94