Development of Regional Potential with Workshop and Counseling of Village Unit Cooperative in Kecamatan Sekala Berak, West Lampung District

  • Erlina Rufaidah FKIP University of Lampung
Keywords: cooperative economic, workshops and counseling, village development Program(village cooperative unit)


The general objective of this community service is to develop the potential of underutilized Batu Berak sub-district. While the specific objectives to be achieved is (1) increasing the role of the community in the village cooperative unit by holding workshops and counseling about cooperative economic models tha include : provision of venture capital and marketing of products. This community service using research and development model developed  by Brog and Gall implemented within two years of activity. First year, is the model development stage, based on the data obtained in the initial counseling, designing the initial model, do a comparative study, observation, revision and generating method of region potention with village cooperative unit workshops and counseling. Second year, sosialize, test the method of region potention with village cooperative unit workshops and counseling.  The expected outcome of this community service is formed of society mindset about utilization of cooperative as a foundation of the economy and improve people standards of living by working with village cooperative unit.


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How to Cite
Rufaidah, E. (2015). Development of Regional Potential with Workshop and Counseling of Village Unit Cooperative in Kecamatan Sekala Berak, West Lampung District. Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan, 3(01), 53-65.