How Much is Wasted Useless Due to Congestion Judging from Fuel Waste Case Study Jl Za. Pagar Alam-Teuku Umar Bandar Lampung

  • Rahayu Sulistyorini Governor's Expert on Development and Infrastructure
Keywords: financial losses, congestion, fuel consumption


Congestion often occurs in almost every major city including in Bandar Lampung as a capital of Lampung. Congestion also caused many financial losses in terms of pollution, value of time, fuel consumption and other psychological factors such as stress. This financial loss will cause productivity and economic growth in the community declined. This study tried to calculate how the amount of loss caused by congestion in terms of fuel consumption. It's expected that the result can be input to government to take measures to reduce congestion, such as traffic management.

One example of this subject is traffic jam occur in Z.A Pagar Alam - Teuku Umar   (±3.7 km). The longer of travel time caused by traffic jam, the biggest fuel consumption that results financial losses. The type of vehicle in this case are cars with premium and solar fuel, mikrolet and BRT. Traffic count surveys and interviews conducted in the analysis  to determine the fuel consumption during a traffic jam condition. 

The amount of losses due to congestion in terms of fuel consumption is very large, which is about Rp. 4.765.223.503, - per year along 3.7 km road segment case. This study only took 8.123 vehicles as a sample. Assuming the number of vehicles in Bandar Lampung 2015  with (a growth rate assumed 12 percent per year) is 169.370. If every vehicle per day take approximately 8-10 km, so the amount of loss due to congestion is Rp. 267.2 Billion per year,  very large number considering only calculated based on fuel consumption. If calculated based on other factors such as pollution, loss of time, the result will be much greater. This is could be input to government to implement traffic management which is quite cheap but can reduce congestion so that loss can be reduced.


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How to Cite
Sulistyorini, R. (2015). How Much is Wasted Useless Due to Congestion Judging from Fuel Waste Case Study Jl Za. Pagar Alam-Teuku Umar Bandar Lampung. Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan, 3(01), 8-23.