The Effect of Lampung Natural Material as a Coarse Aggregate Against Concrete Characteristics
At this time, when development takes place rapidly, technology in building construction is growing fast, one of which is concrete that has potential for development. With the increasing needs of the concrete it will also increase need for coarse aggregate as concrete forming material. andesite used as coarse aggregate diminishing availability so we need innovation as coarse aggregate replacement material that its availability is still insufficient. Natural materials that can be used as a coarse aggregate is granite, silica stone and iron ore. the material is granite , stone silica and iron ore with a size of 6-25 mm , then made the dough with the composition according to the SNI K.300 and made the test specimen in the form of a cube the size of 150x150x150mm and a cylinder diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm. Maintenance performed for the specimen during the age of 7 , 14 , 21 and 28 days at the same time to test the compressive strength and porosity. After the compressive strength test using the results of the highest coarse aggregate amounted to 317.52 kg / cm2 porosity of 17.54 % at 28 days cube form and 265.98 kg / cm2 porosity of 20.32 % at 28 days a cylindrical shape. The longer life of testing , the higher the compressive strength. The greater the compressive strength, the lower the porosity and strength of the test specimen in the form of a cube is greater than the test object in a cylindrical shape
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