Technical Economic Analysis of Integrated Bioethanol Production with Cassava Unique Wood and Livestock Farms

  • Banon Rustiaty Pati Technology Center - Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Keywords: Techno-Economy, Bioetanol, Integrated, superior Ubikayu, Dairy Goat


 The production of bioethanol of fuel grade from cassava is confronted with cassava greediness issues on nutrients, ineffectiveness on a small scale, especially at the price of cassava above Rp 400 / kg and lacking adequate yields for farmers with limited land area (<5 ha).

To overcome these issues, it is proposed that bioethanol production is integrated with high productivity cassava cultivation (mukibat, varieties Darul Hidayah, Cicurug etc.) on 100 ha and dairy goat farms starting from 1,000 heads, with recycling production approach .The cause of the large increase in yield is the cultivation of the Ettawa Peranakan goat which can increase 4-6 fold in 2 years (1 period).  The consequence of this addition is an increase in livestock production costs by 22% in the form of additional forage feed from outside or the addition of an area of ​​7.5 ha / 1000 goats to plant forage.It is projected that the continuous implementation of this program will have a dual effect in the medium term, in the form of:                   

1. The establishment of centers of small-scale bioethanol integrated with the cultivation of cassava and goat / cattle farms;                   

2. The development of animal feed industries, milk processing and advanced processing of bioethanol into bioethanol grade fuel;                   

3. The development of supporting industries.


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How to Cite
Rustiaty, B. (2017). Technical Economic Analysis of Integrated Bioethanol Production with Cassava Unique Wood and Livestock Farms. Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan, 5(03), 255-265. Retrieved from