Identification of Ethnomedicine Behavior and Information on Type of Drug Plants Used and Grow in Lampung Province (Study on Herbal Park Development in Lampung Province in 2017)

  • Azhari Rangga Member of Food Sovereignty Commission and Innovation of Research Council of Lampung Province
  • Hernita Astuti Researchers Balitbangda Lampung Province
  • Purwoto User Functional Planners Bappeda Lampung Province
  • Agus Subowo Functional Planners Bappeda Lampung Province
  • Jekvy Hendra Researcher of Lampung Agricultural Technology Assessment Institute
Keywords: Lampung, perpetrators of ethnomedicine, sustainable, traditional health


The study of ethnomedicine is basically to understand the health culture from the perspective of society, especially the system of alternative medicine by using medicinal plants that have become tradition of hereditary society. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about personal identity profiles and supporting data of Ethnomedicine actors; formulate information about the types of medicinal plants grown in Lampung Province, provide information about the efficacy and efficacy of medicinal plants based on literature review. The results of this study described the profile of 5 ethnomedicine actors with various types of plants used in Lampung Province of 35 types of medicinal plants, while the rest were obtained from other regions. Output development was the provision of traditional medicinal materials available with target areas and types of plants used to support the needs of traditional health programs and sustainable pharmaceutical industries


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How to Cite
Rangga, A., Astuti, H., User, P., Subowo, A., & Hendra, J. (2017). Identification of Ethnomedicine Behavior and Information on Type of Drug Plants Used and Grow in Lampung Province (Study on Herbal Park Development in Lampung Province in 2017). Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan, 5(03), 228-247. Retrieved from